Donate to art!

Culture enriches life. The people who are responsible for this are creatives like Paula Rosolen, who is committed to cultural life and artistic activities in Frankfurt am Main and the Rhine-Main area. To sustain this work, Haptic Hide is dependent on broad support from foundations and institutions as well as private individuals. An online donation makes it possible for Haptic Hide to launch new projects, explore unexplored areas and revive Frankfurt’s arts scene. Donate now! Haptic Hide needs your support!

Donations are voluntary and free of charge. The Haptic Hide company will only use them for their intended purpose. Unlike funding, donations are not counted as part of Haptic Hide’s entrepreneurial company assets (gUG-Vermögen). Instead they are spent by Haptic Hide promptly, e.g. to finance current dance projects, tours, new pieces, new concepts, to organize future festivals and so on.

You will receive a certificate recording your donation soon after your transfer.

Haptic Hide is recognized by the German Internal Revenue Department as a non-profit organization, making it eligible for funding. You can therefore receive considerable tax benefits for supporting Haptic Hide. Donations to non-profit organizations can be made tax-deductible as special expenses upon presentation of your confirmation of donation.

For questions please contact